When pondering of clarity, it is less of a climax and more of a progression. There surrounds this aspect is an ignition and a decision. So quickly is this system of ignition and decision made, though that clarity becomes excluded out of this portrait.
Ignition comes from a feeling with a blurred affirmation of choice that we are diving into. Have you ever thought of what a diver thinks before they dive? And not just a professional diver, for not only professional divers are present in human existence. Maybe they are confident without thought, maybe they are confident with reasonable logic, maybe they are afraid yet have no choice but to dive, maybe they don't care and will take a chance, and there are many others. In analogy to the Christian ignition of response to God's calling or what we think is His calling, we dive in the same way. After ignition comes an internal warfare called excitement; an excitement that causes impatience when we don't see instant result. We ask for sight, we ask for clarity, yet we ask incongruously; because we ask for an answer, but we don't ask for fulfillment. There is confidence of the ignition, but that is as far as we go because the light has dimmed the moment we walked into the cave. When darkness falls, we are put through a time of frustration, maybe even a time of fear, a time of struggle. This portion is called pruning as God shapes us in our patience not only in the present, but for the future. As we begin to endure the darkness, God will begin to bring light; a lamp unto our feet. This is the word of the Lord:
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Psalm 119:105 ESV
This light will bring sight, yet only a dim sight. This sight will lead you to encouragement in the provision of God's reward. Clarity comes through the aligning of the heart with God's heart for us; that heart in accordance to our plans which the Lord says in Jeremiah 29:11. Tag-teamed along with patience might either be a hardened heart, or clarity. We need to know that we will not know unless we ask, that we will not find unless we seek, and that we will not enter into the door offered if we do not knock. This is a small presentation that prayer is crucial for any clarity that we desire; prayer is the all encompassing aspect in this process where there is ignition and decision. We need to pray for patience and perseverance, we need to pray for answers, we need to pray for the Spirit's manifestation of plans.
As we move along, God will bless us with his extended hand of grace by giving us visions, feelings, a supernatural event out of no coincidence. It is at this moment that we feel almost as if we've heard God's spoken voice. A variety of instruments are used to display clarity in this procedure where progression of clarity is the effect of the previous step of equipping. This clarity can potentially be different than what we had expected; such clarity is a reflection of God's direction, God's intervention, God's grace, God's magnificence, God's glory. In clarity, we begin to notice God's confirmation only as God manifests in us in our boldness to dive; out of this is when the finally awaited decision is made through confidence of God's will. Unless there is clarity, there have been no transformation as we watch ourselves staying in the position of impatience, staying in the position of neglecting to meet with God, staying in the position of spontaneity when we can have confirmation. Decision should always be a step of truth, faith, and love. Yet another aspect shall bring my conclusions; this is the word of the Lord:
"For we know in part and we prophesy part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known."
1 Corinthians 13:9-12
What I have spoken of is only of a portion in our life. There will be a teaching along this road less travelled from the God Almighty who will move us from a child to a man. A revelation given to us is that we will give up these childish ways, but it happens through trials. As clear as our sight might become in just a speck in our time line, our reflection, our purpose, our vision of God's righteousness and his kingdom, will yet be dim. Yet there is hope in our continual training process through transformation processes such as decision making in both our stewardship of God's grace and for the fullness of his glory to be revealed. We will see his glory for what it is, we will know fully; for as we walk in the fulfillment of God's plans for us, we will walk into the fulfillment of God's plans for eternity. This is the establishment of our salvation (1 Peter 5:10) with our Lord forever. We will see Him face to face; this is a clear vision and will be a clear reality.
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